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Press/Media Kit

The Noble Group is a necessary multi-dimensional risk mitigation solution for any business that's concerned about employee and workplace safety.  With full-circle protection services that encompasses the very latest in drug testing, background screening intelligence, and workplace threat education & safety measures, the Noble Group offers organizations of all sizes the peace of mind that used to be commonplace in the business world, but now only exists through diligence, expertise, and a full understanding of both internal and external threat profiles.  So when you consider the value of your organization, but most importantly, your people, THINK NOBLE...BE NOBLE!

Key Personnel


Dan Hlavachek



Tyler Weston

President & COO


Dan Hanlon

Director of Training

Downloadable Resources

Headshots (Downloadable - Click Desired Image - Download Icon Located in the Upper Left of Screen)

Logos (Downloadable - Click Desired Image - Download Icon Located in the Upper Left of Screen)

Brand Images (Downloadable - Click Desired Image - Download Icon Located in the Upper Left of Screen)

Brand Videos (Downloadable - Click Desired Video Thumbnail - Download Icon Located in the Upper Left of Screen)

Noble-Authored White Papers

There are numerous forces that make today's workplace less safe and ultimately less productive.  Background checks, and post hire evaluations are but two necessary tools to ensure the safety and security of your organization


Foreseeability refers to the "ability" to determine "how and if" the probability of an act of workplace violence or intimidation might occur.  Insurance companies are increasingly relying on "foreseeability" in issuing business coverage.

If you own or manage an organization you cannot mitigate risk without understanding the nature of today's world. In this white paper you'll discover how evolving best safety practices are designed to create a culture of safety & security for your people.

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Receive NOBLE's expert insights & recommendations for organizations that rely on Drug Testing in 2023.

Our latest white paper that shines a bright light on the emerging legal trend of Negligent Hiring and Negligent Retention.  With hiring and job markets being as tight as they are it's more important than ever to take all available steps in ensuring the best candidates are joining your organizational team.


A more in-depth white paper that really details the various areas in which organizations typically "fall short" in terms of organizational safety.  This white paper is filled with substantiating facts & figures that help to paint an accurate picture of today's organizational risk landscape.


January 30 - February 3, 2023 is Identity Theft Awareness Week.  The Federal Trade Commission has put together a detailed collateral full of critical names, numbers, and processes that will help you or someone you love navigate the process if your/their identity is ever stolen.  This is a MUST HAVE for today's world!


A quick and easy-to-read series of slides detailing "blind spots" that most organizations have when it comes to safety & security!  This short review can help you immensely!


Copyright, 2025 - The Noble Group

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